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FAQs on Genus Chaetodontoplus Angels Stocking/Selection

Related Articles: Chaetodontoplus Angels,

Related FAQs: Chaetodontoplus Angels 1, Chaetodontoplus  Angels 2, & FAQs on: Chaetodontoplus Identification, Chaetodontoplus Behavior, Chaetodontoplus Compatibility, Chaetodontoplus Systems, Chaetodontoplus Feeding, Chaetodontoplus Disease, Chaetodontoplus Reproduction, Marine Angelfishes In General, Angelfish ID, Selection, Behavior, Compatibility, Health, Feeding, Disease,   

Angelfishes for  Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
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by Robert (Bob) Fenner

Mixing Scribbled Angelfish  <Video Link>    8/3/18
Dear Crew
<Hi Ignatio>
I just want to ask you the possibility mixing scribbled angelfish (male and female) more than 1 pair in one tank (as you can see in the attached video).
<Next time please place the video in the cloud or YouTube and send us just the link to see it.>
Tank dimension in that video only 2 m * 1 m * 0.5 m with so many fishes in there without any aggression at all with no rock or a hiding place.
<Is this a holding tank? If so, fish won´t be there for long and aggression is dissipated because of the number of fish kept in there>
Will they eventually sick in long term or not? (or fight each other) or they can be maintain just like that.
<Angelfish are very belligerent towards its own kind and Dubolays are no exception, You may try starting with a trio of small specimens as they are less aggressive when young, be sure to introduce them all at once; nevertheless a 130 gallon tank like the one on the video is too small for long term success, you should attempt this in a tank of a few hundred gallons as a bare minimum.>
Note: the salinity was set on 1.015 to prevent disease. I saw the fishes in there are really in top condition .. ate like a pig and didn't afraid with human
<Yes, they look in excellent health>
Thanking you all in advance
<You are welcome. Wilberth>
Re: mixing scribbled angelfish male        8/7/18

Dear Wilberth
Sorry for late reply
<Next time please place the video in the cloud or YouTube and send us just the link to see it.>
ok sorry for the trouble
<Is this a holding tank? If so, fish won´t be there for long and aggression is dissipated because of the number of fish kept in there>
Yes it is a holding tank but I've watched the fish already 2 weeks now
What about if I put 4 adult male scribbled angelfish (30 cm each) in tank dimension 300 cm * 90 cm * 40 cm with no rock in there, I'll give plenty vigorous water circulation, Wavemaker, will they fight or still they confused who is going to attack who?
Thank you for your advise Wilberth
Re: mixing scribbled angelfish male        8/7/18

Dear Wilberth
sorry for late reply
<<No worries>>
<Next time please place the video in the cloud or YouTube and send us just the link to see it.>
ok sorry for the trouble
<<It´s ok, we posted it >>
<Is this a holding tank? If so, fish won´t be there for long and aggression is dissipated because of the number of fishes kept in there>
Yes, it is a holding tank but I've watched the fish already 2 weeks now
What about if I put 4 adult male scribbled angelfish (30 cm each) in tank dimension 300 cm * 90 cm * 40 cm with no rock in there, I'll give plenty vigorous water circulation, Wavemaker, will they fight or still they confused who is going to attack who?
<<You can try but they will still need hiding places as they are very territorial, there is no absolute guarantee that they won´t fight, eventually the dominant male will harass the other three.>>
Thank you for your advise Wilberth
<<Glad to help. Wilberth>>

Stocking scribbled angelfish and his regal tang   1/17/13
Hi guys and girls, I have a quick question that hopefully won't take up too much of your time, I have a friend who is thinking of selling his scribbled angelfish and his regal tang, I haven't seen to <too> much info on the scribbled angelfish on your site
<Read backward... re the genus, family>
 and have read that the regal is fine in a tank of five foot or over, my tank is 187 gallons (60x24x30). I was thinking of taking him up on his offer but I would like to know if you guys think these two stunners would have sufficient space in my tank before I go ahead and buy them. Any help would be much appreciated.
<A three hundred gallon would be better, but if these fishes aren't too large, the system not already crowded psychologically, physiologically...
Bob Fenner>

Yellowtail Back Poma Angel, stkg./sel.    8/22/11
Bob, how are you today?
<Fine thanks>
This angel gets a number 2 in your book. If this angel looks healthy and eats great after a week at the dealer, are my chances pretty good for his survival?
<Better! Bob Fenner>
re: Yellowtail Back Poma Angel, now PBT sel. as well    8/22/11

Thanks, there is also a powder blue tang grazing all over the rocks and also eating Brine shrimp. Should I go for the initially healthy species and spend the 60 dollars? Just wanted your opinion lol.
Thanks again
<Yes I would. B>

Queensland Yellowtail Angel, sel.   6/13/2011
Hey guys!
Just thought you might like to see this... My 4" Female Personifer from Blue Zoo Aquatics. She's been in a 55 QT for 2 weeks and is eating like a chainsaw as you'll see. What a beautiful healthy fish they sent me! Great place.
<A gorgeous specimen indeed, and thank you for sharing. Due to the size of our server, please do not send large files to us in the future. James (Salty Dog)>


Fish Compatibility/Marine Fish/Compatibility, 70 gal., FO   3/30/10
Hello friends ...
I'm planning to keep the following fish in an aquarium of 70 gallons:
-Longnose Butterfly
-Singapure <Singapore or Vermiculated Angelfish> angel
<This fish can be very difficult to acclimate. Do make sure you witness the fish eating before buying and has no caved in stomach.>

-Flame angel
-Starcki damsel
<Is one of the lesser aggressive damsels.>
The questions are as follows:
1) The tank has enough space?
<Borderline with the Longnose and Singapore.>
2) They are compatible?
<Yes, with the Flame Angel going in last.>
3) What would be the best sequence of introduction?
<The Singapore Angel should go in first, and ensure the Singapore is eating well and fattening up before introducing any other fish to the system.
Then introduce the Longnose, damsel, and Flame Angel.>
4) What is the greatest difficulty in keeping these animals together?
<As I mentioned, the Singapore Angel can be difficult to acclimate to prepared foods, and this
fish, along with the butterfly and Flame Angel have a better chance of acclimating when introduced to established systems (6-12 months) with plenty of quality live rock.>
Thanks for your help!
<You're welcome, and please search our site before writing, as answers to many of your questions can be found there. James (Salty Dog)>

Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus, Sel., $  -- 01/28/09
Hello Bob,
Your description of the subject fish (Wednesday's dailies) as to being expensive is an understatement. From what I understand, getting this fish for $1600.00 would be a steal, that is if you could find one without getting on a one year or more waiting list.
<See? Time to get on out and do a bit of collecting... B>
Re: Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus

I believe these fish are only found in the Great Barrier Reef. Would be on the pricey side getting there.
<James, think BIG! You're going to collect more than one. B>
Re: Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus

Your not drinking by any chance, are you?
<Not yet...>

Question about false personifer, sel., beh.    8/27/09
Hey there Crew, it's Grant from Alaska asking questions again.
<Hello Grant>
I've ordered a small false personifer, it will be somewhere in the 2"-2.5" range.
<Wow; this is small>
I have tried a large scribbled angel before which I know is relatively similar to a false personifer and I had issues with it not adapting to captivity well, so I'm trying a small version of it this time.
<Understood, and agreed; though 3-4 overall inches is more to my liking>
I've read pretty much all there is to read about care for the angels and I have experience with keeping angels in my display, but my question is about sexing the fish. Coming in at under 2.5" makes me think the fish will
definitely be female with a chance of changing to male. Do you know if pretty much all angels, if started in the tank small enough, will change to male over time due to the lack of another male of their species being in
the system?
<Most all do>
I have a small flame angel harem (4 of them) in my 210 and one definitely changed to male while the rest are female, which is exactly what I wanted.
I know that if the male died, the most dominant female would start getting a 6 o'clock shadow and eventually turn male. Does that same theory apply to single false personifers?
<Yes; all Pomacanthids as far as I'm aware>
If so, it would lead me to believe that given time, the 2.5" fish would eventually be a male in my tank.
<In time, yes>
I guess what I'm really getting at is I want to end up with a male false personifer without paying $400 for one and having to get it at the 5-6" range. Do I pretty much just have a 50/50 chance that it will be male, or
will keeping it as the sole false personifer in the tank up my chances highly of it becoming a male?
<Are protogynous hermaphrodites... BobF>
Re: Question about false personifer   8/28/09

Thanks for the quick answer! I guess all there is to do now is wait, I receive the fish in about 3 hours, I'm excited. It's amazing how much I look forward to getting fish :)
Do you think 2-2.5" is too small, as in it will be too hard to keep alive?
<No... my stmt. has to do with an "average" best size range... ones too small prove to be too delicate, not good at surviving the rigours of collection, holding, shipping... And ones "too large" poor adaptors to captive conditions...>
I was shooting for the smallest fish I thought would have a good chance of shipping and surviving. In my mind, 3" would have been ideal but I was only able to find either the 2-2.5" or else go with 5+ inches.
<I see>
I feed mainly spectrum pellets and both of these fish, the small regal and scribbled, are already eating a mix of prepared foods at Bluezoo so I'm hoping I can quickly wean them over to pellets, although I'm sure willing to do half clam, Mysis, brine shrimp, whatever is needed to get them eating and then I'll slowly switch them to pellets. I've had pretty good luck so far with getting fish eating NLS.
<Is a superior stock feed>
I hope it works!
Grant Gray
<Me too! B>

Gem tangs and Conspiculatus angels for sale -- 03/20/08 Bob, <Sean> Hope all is well, it's been a while since our last conversation. Currently we have both Gem tangs and Conspiculatus angels in stock. <Wish we were diving in the Mascarenes and N. Australia right now!> I was wondering if you knew of anyone looking for these rare fish. Feel free to post my information on your boards. Thanks for any help you might be able to offer. <Hotay, will do so. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Sean Stalter Saltwater Connections [email protected]_

Mud Filters, Expensive Chaetodontoplus,  Clarions/Mexico Collecting Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 01:05:44 EST  Hello Bob,  I have several questions today. My first: what is your opinion and what have you heard about the Eco System?  <Leng Sy's business? As in "Miracle Mud"? A strong concept, and "proven" technology... I use the same sorts of activity, applied principles in our experimental tanks, farm here... but not Leng's mud... too much money for my pocketbook> My friend and I just built a couple (can't build the mud though$$$).  <Ah... and for browsers, the link to this company is to be found on the pages of the same name on www.wetwebmedia.com and considerably more on mud filtration in a FAQ archive file there of the same name> Due to some miscalculations, I built one suitable for an 80 gallon tank, but it is going on a 15 gallon reef. <No worries. Can't be too big... the reciprocal is possible> Next, my girlfriends 6 gallon Eclipse reef tank has a mantis shrimp in it.  <Keep the first, get rid of the last> I can only hear him. The trap to catch him is about as big as the damn tank. The only fish in it are a pair of tomato clowns. What can I do?  <Drain, the tank, inspect the removed rock (watch your fingers!). Do this while the girlfriend is away... as a present/gift... Much better than the very real possibility of this animal consuming the Clowns... much more overstressing...> Moving rocks is out of the question; it has done so well since we stopped messing with it. Last question: tell me everything you know about the Conspicillatus Angelfish. <A beauty, and if purchased healthy, gotten to feed on formulated foods, fresh/meaty ones... can be kept for many years... In very large systems (hundreds of gallons). Pretty much all I know is stored in archives on the genus Chaetodontoplus on the www.wetwebmedia.com site. Oh, and I think Leng still has one... gorgeous, at his shop in Orange County> I saw one today in a store in Oakland. No where have I seen a real price.  They just say "call us." Well, apparently if you have to "call" anyone for a price, you will not be happy. The thing cost $1500, and was already bought.  Is this a reasonable price? <A bit high... Maybe give the mail-order/internet businesses a ring, check pricing from them (FFExpress.com is a good start here)... s/b able to find a nice enough specimen for $500-800 US> I am intrigued by this terribly expensive angelfish. Many angelfish from the region are not nearly as expensive. I know it comes from deep water. I am actually very curious about the techniques used to catch deep water fish, if you can point me towards and article. The store owner also said Clarions cannot be imported anymore.  True or not.  Thanks a lot,  Josh  <Actually, as of last year the "ban" on collection is Mexico is off, and the few Holacanthus clarionensis that were coming shatteringly (is this English?) from points further south have been surpassed by Steve Robinson's efforts in "the amigo country".... see the article et al on Clarion's posted on the WWM site as well. Bob Fenner>

The scribble angel and Personifer angel hi Mr. BOB, how do you rate scribble angel and Personifer angel? <Highly... if in good shape, put in large enough (hundreds of gallons) systems, with lots of healthy live rock (with sponges, tunicates to chew on, regularly fed... live for good long times... and are gorgeous, intelligent centerpieces> and what is the best size to start with? <About four inches overall length is best> And if to rate them with passer angel scale up to ten what will you give them. <Good question... six for survivability, nines for looks> Lastly did you enjoy yourself at the Aquarama? <Absolutely my friend. Glad it doesn't go on for more than a few days, I'd lose my voice. Bob Fenner> CHEER!

Thirteen hundred smackers for a Chaetodontoplus Angel?! Hello bob, Just a few quick questions is 1300 dollars to high for a conspicuous angel? <Thirteen hundred dollars U.S.? For how large a specimen? Yes, in my opinion, too much but for the most high quality, large, show specimen.> Do they usually do pretty well in captivity? <This angel does well when received in good condition, given large enough systems and foods...> Is a 400 gallon efficient to keep them in their hole life? I just wouldn't want to lose a fish like this because of the high price? <I understand and a four hundred gallon should do, unless overcrowded with other life. Bob Fenner>

Conspicillatus angelfish Hi, I am going to get a conspicillatus angel off the marine center in a month or so. I asked them the price they said something like 1900 dollars. I was reading your faq on Chaetodontoplus angels and you said 1300 was a lot. Now that seems 1900 is a lot. But I want to get it from the marine center since there fish are excellent quality. But I was wondering if you have any tips on keeping them, what are there requirements, etc. I want to know everything you know about them. I may seem stupid in fishes, but I have much experience in keeping angels. Thanks! <The price of such "show" specimens (with or w/o quotation marks) varies greatly... with size, country of origin, relative currency strength, availability... For such a large investment I would do a good deal of searching on the various BB's, chatforums re actual keepers of this species and its congeners... as well as asking the fine folks at Marine Center what their experience is with this individual and the species. What little personal experience I have is posted on WetWebMedia.com. You might want to use the Google Search feature for the genus, species there (on the homepage and indices). Bob Fenner>I was thinking of purchasing one of these angels for my 125gal tank. I was wondering if you had any experience with these and if you could give me a few pointers. also do you think it would fight with a dwarf angel? I have a true lemon peel and I love him and wouldn't want them fighting. I didn't think they would as they look so different and I have read that the larger angels and dwarfs wont fight. but they are a similar size but the Chaetodontoplus mesoleucos is a little larger. thanks in advance. Will C< They will probably be ok.  But the mesoleucos is kind of a touchy angel and there are many better choices.  If you do decide to get the angel make sure he is eating and interested in his environment.  Be sure to quarantine him! You can find more info here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/chaetodonoplus/ Cody>

Blue spotted angelfish question, Chaetodontoplus sel.  -- 02/07/08 Hello, <Hi there Rob> As always, great site, use it all the time. I have a question about the blue spotted angelfish ( Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus ). I have an opportunity to purchase this angel or a gray Poma. In your opinion, which has a better survival rate? <Both about the same... "medium" historically> I am no novice, been keeping salts for 20+ years and have had good luck with angelfish. In fact I have an 8 year old female swallowtail angelfish and a 4 year old majestic and I have raised emperors from juvie to adult, had a pair of coral beauties for 3 years, they even spawned once - true story. <All three of these are harder to keep than Chaetodontoplus> Currently I have a very healthy, fat, eats everything in sight Singapore angel. <The best member of the genus> I have had him for about 6 months and would like to try another member of this genus. I did read the info on your site but a more informed, personal opinion would be greatly appreciated. thank you Rob Mancabelli <If you can secure an initially healthy, feeding specimen of either species, you should do fine. Bob Fenner>

Angelfishes for  Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available here

by Robert (Bob) Fenner
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